Kermet Apio

Kermet Apio

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Kermet Apio enjoyed a childhood in paradise. He spent his time watching television, playing, and procrastinating everything else. To this day, he still does all three extensively. After graduating from high school, Kermet moved to Seattle to attend the University of Washington. Seattle became home. In early 1989, Kermet did his first open mike night at the Comedy Underground in Seattle. Comedy was a fun hobby. In May of 1990, he quit his job, said good bye to health care and benefits, and took the leap to performing full time. It is still his only job skill. He was the winner of the 2009 Great American Comedy Festival and has had numerous appearances on television and radio. He has showcased at comedy festivals in Aspen, Las Vegas, and Vancouver and has performed in 47 states and 6 Canadian provinces. He is a past winner of the Seattle Comedy Competition and was a semi-finalist in the San Francisco Comedy Competition. Also, in 1988 he was Dishwasher of the Month at the Sea-Tac Airport Denny’s. Kermet is married and the proud father of two wonderful children. He enjoys his family, baseball, and pie. He does not enjoy opera, sitting in traffic, and writing about himself in the third person.

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